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What’s Coming Next with AI and Personalized Wellness?

From Wellness Interactive Branding, LLC.

Human Insight Technology

Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to bring physical and mental health into the spotlight, Panasonic is launching their “Human Insight Technology” into the world. With “non-invasive sensors and imaging to capture and interpret data based on human habits and behaviors,” users of the technology will be provided with personalized data that can improve their daily life.

Recently launched at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020, Panasonic provided a demonstration with an interactive yoga studio, The Yoga Synchro Visualizer. Your face and body are scanned, giving you scores on fatigue, pose, flow, stability, and stress — a physical representation of what your body is going through in real time during your routine. Could this be the next transformation in how we experience yoga? Perhaps coming to a studio near you sometime soon…

The AI Skincare Coach

It takes care and time to maintain beautiful skin. Digital technology is burgeoning with options to help. The beauty giant, Neutrogena, has relaunched their Skin360™ app with new, improved features – featuring AI to advance your skincare goals. You can uncover your skin health needs as the app utilizes 100,000 pixels from each selfie scan to measure five different aspects of your skin health including smoothness, fine lines, dark circles, wrinkles, and dark spots. You receive personalized routine recommendations and can track changes and measure your progress.

The app utilizes a database of over 10,000 real people of every age, gender, and ethnicity to understand and provide recommendations for every skin type. With an AI skincare coach that fits right in your purse or pocket, you can use your selfies for much more than posting.

The Skin360™ app is currently available for download, but Neutrogena has more exciting things coming soon. They are combining the app with MaskiD— “a micro 3D printed facemask that is custom to face shape and structure, formulated with concern-specific ingredients on different areas of your face.” When it is available, Neutrogena will have it delivered right to your door.

Personalized Heart Health

Big tech and healthcare giants are coming together to help improve heart health. Samsung and Kaiser Permanente are bringing a virtual cardiac rehabilitation solution to the world — pairing Samsung’s smartwatches with Kaiser’s HeartWise app, using built-in optical sensors to track patient’s daily activities and heartrate. The data that is collected is uploaded to the patient’s chart so their healthcare providers, such as clinicians and physical therapists, can monitor patient progress and engage with them too.

The intention is to improve the patient’s compliance with rehabilitation programs. And – it’s working well. According to the physician who leads clinical innovation at Kaiser Permanente in Southern California, results include a 74% improvement in completion rates compared to clinic-based programs and a reduction in readmission rates for cardiac issues to less than 2%. With these kinds of results, more partnerships are bound to be coming in the future regarding AI and wellness.

Wellness Continues to Evolve: Are You Ready?

As wellness continues to evolve, IoT, AI, automation, and increasing connectivity are bound to be more commonplace in our daily lives. Have you heard of Ballie? Samsung’s new ball-shaped robot has cameras and sensors — to patrol your home, communicate with other smart devices, keep an eye on your pets, and even serve as a fitness assistant.

From ball-shaped robots to advanced skincare apps that can personalize masks exclusively for your face, the future of personalized wellness is bringing exciting, albeit maybe a little daunting, solutions in wellness. Change is happening quickly with health and wellness, and there is certainly going to be some trial and error as far as what people are willing to fully embrace.

Ancient practices such as yoga and meditation are at the basis on many ongoing, popular wellness techniques. The future, quite likely, will continue to embrace these timeless ways, and other practices, to improve our health — but with a digital component and tons of data to personalize healthcare even more.

Take a deep breath, take it all in, and consider what is right for you. Some products and services may be perfect, some, not so much. IoT, AI, and robots could be in your yoga studio (or living room) soon. Are you ready?

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