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Discover Wellness Activities for the Disability Community

From Wellness Interactive Branding, LLC.

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

Working with beautiful colors can be a very healing practice. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy creating something truly original. Whether you or a family member decides to do something informally at home, or in a more formal setting with a group and a certified art therapist, art therapy is a very popular choice for self-expression. A great tool to not only interact with groups and enhance and diversify social activities, it also can be an effective method for relaxation.

From children to adults with many types of disabilities, the positive effects of working with all different types of materials are well documented.

Art Therapy

Working with beautiful colors can be a very healing practice. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy creating something truly original. Whether you or a family member decides to do something informally at home, or in a more formal setting with a group and a certified art therapist, art therapy is a very popular choice for self-expression. A great tool to not only interact with groups and enhance and diversify social activities, it also can be an effective method for relaxation.

From children to adults of many types of disabilities, the positive effects of working with all different types of materials are well documented.

Laughter Yoga – Yes, It’s Real!

Have you heard of laughter yoga?  A rising star in the world of wellness, laughter yoga includes many aspects including breathing exercises, eye contact, stretching, and of course— voluntary laughter. Practiced in groups, it is starting to become more prevalent all over the world. Professionals who work with individuals with disabilities develop sessions that are accessible, healing, and fun.

There have been some small scale scientific studies including one from Oxford University

that correlated social laughter with an elevated pain threshold. The results suggest that the laughing created an effect similar to a surge in endorphins – making people feel better. Laughter yoga can be a great way to relieve stress, meet new people, and make for a very happy day.

The Soothing Tunes of Music

Music is a universal language. The world spins with a wealth of different types, bringing people together and adding so much to people’s lives. It is also a wonderful healing tool. From helping children on the autism spectrum to seniors with Alzheimer’s and everyone in between, music can be used for relaxation and stress relief, enhancement of life quality, as a treatment for depression, and much more.

The profession of music therapy is growing as the benefits continue to emerge. Music therapists have dedicated and structured programs, including ones incorporating singing and playing wind instruments to help with more effective breathing for individuals with compromised respiratory function. These just touch the surface of the possibilities of what music can do for better health. As the research continues, more benefits will continue to be documented on how good music is for our bodies, and for our souls.

Massage & Acupuncture

The traditional healing arts of massage and acupuncture meld the physical and the psychological in the pursuit of wellness. Typically performed in a soothing environment, people can benefit from both the hands-on practices as well as the environment that is created to reduce stress or anxiety. Massage and acupuncture professionals can target certain muscle groups and pain centers in the body to be the most effective depending on the individual’s needs.

Moving Forward


The opportunities to explore a maximized quality of life abound for individuals, regardless of disability. Dedicated and experienced practitioners are out there to help.  Many communities and community centers will also have dedicated funding for group activities which could be either ongoing or special events throughout the year.


Is the idea of laughter yoga appealing? What about art therapy or aromatherapy? Certainly, everyone is different and will have their preferences of what works right for them. If you or a family member is in need of an addition to your wellness plan, try one out and see what happens! If it doesn’t work out, know that there are plenty of other options to consider bringing joy, relaxation, reducing stress, and potentially even reducing pain.


Think about the best options, make a decision, and go for it! You might be really surprised – in a good way. Ready to move forward with something new? The possibilities are waiting.

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